1Malaysia 1Youth 1Robot

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1 Malaysia 1 Youth 1 Robot 
RM 10.00 Workshop Series 2012

1.M.Y.R is a series of robotics workshop specially tailored for today's youth, specifically youth that have interest in the robotic field. These workshops emphasize on the concept of hands-on activities whereby the youth will be constructing a robot practically and applying the knowledges he or she learn in class. Upon completion of the workshops, the youth are entitled to partake in 1Malaysia Robotic Gamez 2013 held tentatively at the end of the year.

1 Malaysia 1 Youth 1 Robot 


·         To provide a platform and opportunity for students to compete in a technical-based competition and to apply what they have learnt in classrooms.
·         To train students in organizing and handling competitive event, providing opportunity for them to be leaders, working in a team, communicating with internal and external parties, and culturing their sense of responsibility.
·         To bring exposure to teachers and students in the area of engineering and technology through technical workshops and competitions.
·         To provide a channel of communication for students from schools and as well as IPTA/IPTS.

Myrobotz Enterprise

Endorsed / Approved By
Ministry of Education Malaysia (MOE)

Supported By
Ministry of Youth & Sports Malaysia (KBS)

1 July 2012 - 30 November 2012
(Monday till Friday only)

10 years old and above

Workshop Structure
  • Structure A
    • RM 10.00/student for each workshop

Workshops Available
Workshop 1 : Electronics Circuits
Workshop 2 : Line Follower Robot
Workshop 3 : Edge Detector Robot
Workshop 4 : Tethered Control Robot (Wired control)
Workshop 5 : Object Avoidance Robot

Terms & Conditions

An additional cost (travelling & lodging) will be charged to the school according to the states:

Travel Cost
Lodging Cost
N.Sembilan, Perak, Pahang, Melaka
RM 200.00
Based on requirement only
Johor, P.Pinang, Kedah
RM 250.00
Kelantan, Terengganu, Perlis
RM 300.00
Sabah, Sarawak and other areas which requires air transport
Depending on the travel cost

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